About Us


Business Administration in Würzburg


"This Summer Institute was an unique experience for me. Through this program I learned a lot about American culture and the value of intercultural communication. I have developed myself in many ways and I am grateful that I got to know all those wonderful people who made this time so unforgettable."


Mechanical Engineering in Sankt Augustin


"The time at Virginia Tech will be one of my most memorable experiences. It was fascinating to see the immense differences of student life in America compared to my home university of applied sciences, and it was amazing being with all the kind people in this group."


Applied Physics - Medical Engineering in Berlin


"Working in an interdisciplinary and intercultural team is an interesting challenge to find a collective solution for an issue or a problem in such a diverse team and it offers a lot of possibilities to gain new insights, learn from each other and find the best solution together."


Business Administration in Hannover


"The best way to develop yourself is to collect new impressions and to get out of your comfort zone. During this summer institute I took a huge amount of chances to experience as many new things as possible and I am thankful for the amazing opportunity I got."



Industrial Engineering in Wildau


"As interdisciplinarity will have an increasing impact on today’s society, I’m thankful to be part of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and to get in touch with both: these highly interesting topics and all the people who share this experience with me."


Business Administration in Offenburg


"Differences simply act as a yarn of curiosity unraveling until we get to the other side." 
    - Ciore Taylor



Media Management and Journalism in Wilhelmshaven


"It is so important to broaden your horizon and discover new perspectives, as a human beeing and especially as a journalist. That's why I'm so grateful that I was given this opportunity by Fulbright Germany!"


Sustainable Development (Engineering) in Bochum


"We communicate at all times and therefore I am really glad to be a part of this program, because I have to get out of my comfort zone and talk to people in an other language. Collaboration with people from different countries is a key thing of my field of study and I am glad that I got the oppportunity to improve my English skills in writing and talking."


International Business Administration and Foreign Trade in Worms


"I learned that American Food is so different from the food we have in Germany. It involves much more fat and sweetness and I do not like it. But there are dishes I liked a lot and that is why I have to say: Why get thinner when you can have more dinner?!"


Laura K.

Business Administration in Mittweida


"One of the biggest things I'm thankful for is that I learned not to compare myself with the others. We are a group of amazing people and everyone is here for a reason! Beeing kind, sympathetic and candid opens you a world to new people who will enhance your life."


Business Administration in Gießen


"Communication is the key. I've learned that the first impression isn't everything. You will learn so much more about a person during a conversation - even if this conversation is non-verbal. In addition, you can learn a lot of new facts about people when you are attentive and observe carfully."


International Business Administration in Bremen


"I'm always eager to learn more about intercultural communication and have learned through this experience, how many cultural differences there are within Germany. It really broadened my horizon!"



Communication and Media Management in Karlsruhe


"To get to know ourselves and others better, we should never stop communicating and broadening our horizons. During this scholarship I've learned  how to get a more observative view for others and to accept my mistakes not as failure, but as a step forward."


Mechanical Engineering in Hanover


"Listening is very important. It builds the base of good communication and creates a bond. 

Sharing something About yourself and being open-minded directly connects you to another person. These three weeks were so full of adventures and new discoveries. I am so glad that I got the chance to take part in this program and could meet everyone in this awesome group!"



Health Promotion in Fulda


"The summer institute at Virginia Tech was an amazing experience! I learned a lot about scientific communication and writing and could improve my English skills. What is more, I got the chance to experience the typical life at an American university. I broadened my horizon, got braver and self-confident. I want to thank everyone who made those three weeks to such an great time!"



Industrial Engineering in Constance


"I’ve learned to appreciate the moment instead of thinking ahead all the time. It’s important to really listen to people rather than already thinking about an appropriate answer."


Economics, Marketing & IT in Stuttgart


"I am thankful for meeting all those people and participating in the challenging experiences. Looking forward to stay in touch with you and to apply my new skills."